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Webinar on 24 June for UK HEIs on Online education in India – Internationalisation in the Post COVID19 landscape

In February 2020, the Indian government announced that the top 100 Indian institutions will be allowed to offer fully online degrees, lifting regulations that previously limited HEIs to offering only up to 20 per cent of a degree online. In late January, seven HEIs had programmes approved for online learning, which included certificate courses, bachelor programmes, post graduate diplomas, and masters programmes.

The online education landscape in India is evolving rapidly, and while Covid19 may have accelerated the inevitable, the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has in the last few months, been developing policies and regulations for online education delivery and recognition to bring it into the folds of mainstream education in India.

The British Council in India is organising a webinar panel discussion on Online education in India – internationalisation in the Post COVID19 landscape for UK Higher Education Institutions to understand more about this space. The webinar will bring together expertise across public and private sectors, in policy and practice.

The webinar will address the following:

· What are the most recent policies around online education? What does it mean for Indian Higher Education Institutions? What does it mean for students? What details do we know about recognition, accreditation and delivery so far? What are the challenges?

· How does this translate into broader recognition of cross-border online learning provision (from UK universities)?

· Discuss articulation with the new iteration of the National Education Policy (to be published in June), with the equalisation levy for digital transactions, and with broader quality and regulatory considerations.


  • Dr. Shakila Shamsu, formerly OSD (New Education Policy), in the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development 
  • Mr. Shrikanth Sinha CEO Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge (TASK) Government of Telangana
  • Prof. Suranjan Das, Vice Chancellor, Jadavpur University
  • Prof. Nitin R Karmalkar, Vice Chancellor, Pune University

Event details:

Date: Wednesday 24 June 2020

Time: 10.30 am - 11.30 am UKT

This will be a panel discussion with moderated audience QA

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Joining link for Teams Live will be sent the evening before as well as an hour prior to the event.

If you have any problems registering or need any clarifications, please get in touch with Deepika Baruah at Deepika.baruah@in.britishcouncil.org