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We are hiring an impact evaluator for our 'English for the Community' project in Romania

Beginning in October 2017 and due to end in summer 2020, the British Council has been implementing an English for the Community project in Romania. 300 English language teachers enrolled in the project on a voluntary basis, teaching in 130+ public schools across 9 counties. They were organized into 9 local Teacher Activity Groups (TAG), forming communities of practice gathering teachers.

  • 2 Local Facilitators (LFs) and volunteers recruited by the British Council were among the teachers in each TAG group.
  • TAGs started in May 2018 and took place once a month, each meeting lasting 3 hours. 150 teachers regularly attended the meetings, working together on different aspects of their professional development. So far, 18 TAGs have been organized in each of the 9 locations. 

Now, the British Council in Romania is seeking a consultant to assess the impact of the ELT project English for the Community  (https://www.britishcouncil.ro/en/programmes/society/english-community).

About the role:

The consultant is expected to assess the effects that taking part in the project has had on the teachers, as well as the learning outcomes of students taught by those participating in the project. The evaluation should take into account the views of teachers (including local facilitators and country trainers) and their supervisors (eg head teachers, inspectors) and beneficiaries (eg students, parents). The evaluation should capture stories and case studies which show the results the project has had on the teachers and learners.

Duration and location:

It is expected that this work could be completed within 1 April - 31 May 2020 from the consultant's home, but travel to Romania will most likely also be necessary.

Qualification and experience required:

The consultant must have experience and expertise in the area of conducting impact evaluations on ELT projects, including designing and using impact evaluation tools (interviews, focus groups, classroom observations etc).

We hope you will find the above interesting and would like to invite you to submit your application. Please see the information about the application process on the British Council Romania website

Action Required

Please see the information about the application process on the British Council Romania website.  

Proposals should be received by Friday 20 March 2020 and should be addressed to alina.constantinescu@britishcouncil.ro