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  • Wanted: External assessors for Erasmus+ funding applications and project reports

Wanted: External assessors for Erasmus+ funding applications and project reports

Deadline extended to register interest

Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport. Each year, UK universities, colleges, schools and youth organisations are invited to apply for funding to support vital international activities, including:

  • International study/traineeship/volunteering placements for students and young people
  • Opportunities for staff to teach or train abroad
  • Collaboration with international partners to drive innovation, cooperation and excellence in education and youth work
  • Opportunities for young people to interact with decision-makers on issues of concern to young people and to influence youth policy

The Erasmus+ UK National Agency (a partnership between British Council and Ecorys UK) is seeking to appoint a pool of external assessors to assess funding applications and project reports submitted under the Erasmus+ programme.

Applicants need to have knowledge and expertise in the sector(s) of the programme for which they wish to assess: higher education, vocational education and training, schools, adult education, and youth.


Action Required

If you’re interested, please find out more and register your interest before 6pm on 18 October 2018.