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Vocational Education Exchange - Call for Content for Online Magazine

British Council is inviting colleges and training providers to submit content related to Employability and Core Skills!

Vocational Education Exchange is our new online magazine for teachers and leaders in vocational education and skills. The monthly magazine provides a dedicated space for practitioners and skills leaders from the UK and overseas to share experience and best practice

• provides international exposure and opportunity for professional exchange and development,
• develops new approaches to education leadership and teaching and learning,
• improves quality through sharing best practices internationally,
• raises the profile and reputation of the skills organisations and provides opportunity to position them as global leaders,
• aligns international practices to prepare students for the global work market,
• builds knowledge and connections

Action Required

If you are interested in sharing expertise and experience from your college with teachers and leaders in vocational schools, colleges and universities in other countries, please complete the attached Expression of Interest Form and respond by 15th July at VEE@britishcouncil.org