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  • US becomes more supportive for Vietnam’s higher education reform and equally proactive for student mobility

US becomes more supportive for Vietnam’s higher education reform and equally proactive for student mobility

The Higher Engineering Education Alliance Program (HEEAP) will invest an additional US$40 million to support universities and colleges in Vietnam to intensify efforts to modernise higher engineering education.

The agreement was signed among the Ministry of Education and Training, the General Department of Vocational Training under the Ministry of Labour, the United States Agency for International Development, Intel Corporation, and Arizona State University, reports Vietnam.net.

On the other hand, the US has taken the slow pace of education reform in Vietnam as unique promotion opportunities for U.S. education providers.  The number of Vietnamese studying in the U.S. has increased sevenfold from about 2,000 over the past decade, bringing the total number of enrolments to around 15,000 in 2011, reports Education and Training Export Consortium, California.