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  • Updated: Invitation to discuss opportunities in Tunisia with the Tunisian Ministry of Education in London

Updated: Invitation to discuss opportunities in Tunisia with the Tunisian Ministry of Education in London

Important: change of date to 27 October. All other details remain the same.

Now that Britain is no longer advising against travel to most of Tunisia, including Tunis and major tourist destinations, British Council Tunisia is inviting participants from the higher education sector to come to a meeting with the Tunisian Ministry of Education on 27 October 2017 in the British Council’s office in London to discuss educational opportunities in the country. These are likely to include:

• Quality assurance and accreditation (internal and external quality assurance; design and implement quality assurance strategy; twinning with UK universities to work on common projects), student involvement in the quality assurance process
• Career development centres management: sharing knowledge and expertise on how to provide support to students throughout their university journey and before graduation
• Research links in various areas and disciplines
• Guest speakers
• Access to UK education for Tunisian students

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

1000-1030 Registration and coffee
1030-1040 Welcome
1040-1055 British Council presentation: our work with the Ministry of Higher Education
1055 – 1115 Overview on higher education system of Tunisia (Ministry)
1115 – 1130 Suggested areas of cooperation between Tunisia and the UK (Ministry)
1130 – 1200 Questions and answer session
1200-1300 Networking lunch

Venue: British Council, 10 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BN

Action Required

To register to attend this event please email Amina Sayadi in British Council Tunisia on Amina.Sayadi@tn.britishcouncil.org