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Update: Call for UK Institutions to send in alumni and student stories on students from Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

If you have alumni or student stories to share on students from Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, please send those in as per the process outlined below by 8 March 2016. You may please continue to send us alumni stories on Indian students as well.

EducationUK in South Asia is creating a bank of student success stories which will be used in various marketing activities/materials for local audiences in 2016, ranging from website articles, student newsletters, magazine articles and more. This will also include the outstanding success stories identified through the Education UK Alumni Awards in India and Pakistan - look out for more of these in the coming months. If you have an alumni or student story from the region you would like to share, we definitely want to hear about it - help us to promote you and the UK education offer to students in South Asia.

These stories will be shared through our EducationUK website, social media channels like Facebook and Twitter as well as other student facing promotional material in the region. The aim is to: 

  • Inspire South Asian students to choose a UK education
  • Highlight the quality and employability of UK courses amongst employers in-country and abroad to encourage students in South Asia to choose a UK education
  • Help students find suitable UK courses and scholarships
  • Help students to plan and prepare for UK student life

How will this benefit your Institution?

The stories will be shared on multiple web, social media and print platforms reaching our massive student and influencer audiences across the region. The EducationUK website alone has 2 million annual visitors with over 186K visitors from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Articles will also be promoted on EducationUK Facebook page which has a cumulative follower base of almost 37K from the five countries and Twitter account which has 13.7K global followers.

The soon to be released EducationUK student newsletter and EducationUK magazine will reach our massive student and influencer networks across the region. This is a free of cost opportunity for you to be a part of UK promotion campaigns in the region as well as promote your Institution’s profile to potential audiences in the region.
Student’s names will appear with their photograph and bio along with the name of the UK institution they studied in.

Your alumni stories could inspire others across South Asia to study in the UK!

What we are looking for

We are looking for alumni success stories from South Asia who have studied in your institution who can help us promote the UK as an premier study destination, especially when it comes to developing a career path after graduation.

Please note: Profiles must be representative of the whole UK education offer and should not overtly promote one course or institution

Alumni should be:

  • Former students from South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) currently working either in their home country, UK or overseas.
  • Alumni of UK Institutions
  • Positive about their UK education experience
  • Able to talk about their success and attribute this in a large part to their UK education

While this call is mainly for alumni, if you would like to share stories of South Asian students studying at your Institution currently, we would be very happy to receive those too. In such cases, please send a write up of the student's experience of studying at the Institution along with a picture.

We may edit the article, for style, brand or length reasons, though we will check the final copy with you to ensure you are happy with the final draft.


Action Required

How to submit your stories:

  • Please download the form below and ask your alumni to answer the questions. This form is ready-to-go, so you may include the alumnus' name and send it directly to them. In the form, instructions are given to ask them to send the story to the British Council directly, though you may change that and ask them to send the story through you if you prefer that. 
  • Please provide a picture (you may provide more than one) of the alumni and let us know who we should cite as copyright owner and confirm that EducationUK can use the images throughout the world for EducationUK digital media and publications at no cost and that you have the right to grant this permission
  • Please ask the student to fill out the consent form and submit with the questionnaire. 
  • Please send the completed questionnaire along with the permissions via email to aatreyee.guhathakurta@britishcouncil.org. Please keep the student copied, so we have their details and know they are happy to participate.