University of Macau Distinguished Visiting Scholar

The  “UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar” scheme is established under the University of Macau Talent Programme with the aim to attract established scholars from prestigious universities or research institutions to visit University of Macau (UM) and conduct inter/multi-disciplinary research in collaboration with UM’s scholars. 

The programme aims to strengthen academic exchange and collaboration between UM and the world’s top universities, which will further enhance UM’s research capacity and international reputation.


Academics at full professor level or above (or with equivalent designations) from prestigious universities or research institutions (e.g., top 200 universities of recognized world university rankings) with proven track records and reputation in their fields of expertise.

Remuneration and duration

Maximum honorarium of MOP100,000 (around GBP10,000) with a visiting period agreed upon by both parties.


Deadline: 31/12/2023

Release of result: February 2024

Visiting period: March to December 2024

* Please note that interested scholars have to approach the relevant academic units at University of Macau as the hosting unit and submit the application through the academic units. 

Action Required

Application deadline: 31/12/2023

Enquiry: please send email to 

For more details, please visit