UKIERI 4 deadline extended: UK-India research collaborations

UK higher education institutions now have until 15 February to apply for funded collaboration opportunities with Indian universities under the UKIERI 4 programme.

Universities can apply for funding in the following areas:

  • Research and mobility partnerships
  • Building the research capacities of undergraduate and masters' students.

About UKIERI 4

UKIERI 4 is the fourth phase of the UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), which is the flagship education and research collaboration programme between the UK and India.

Since 2006, UKIERI has facilitated over 25,000 academic exchanges spanning 4,500 education institutions.

UKIERI 4 expects to strengthen the bilateral relationship between the UK and India in the areas of education, research, and innovation, while addressing shared global challenges and promoting sustainable development. 

Available opportunities

UK institutions can now apply through two new strands of UKIERI 4.

Strand 1: Research and mobility partnerships

This strand aims to foster a high-impact research ecosystem by facilitating academic and research collaborations between the UK and Indian Institutions to jointly solve problems of international relevance and develop the talent pipeline by encouraging and supporting mobility between countries of students and faculty.

The main objective of this call under strand 1 is to address global challenges and is aligned to the Ministry of Education, Government of India’s Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC).

We are seeking joint research proposals for Semiconductors, Advance Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Next Gen Communication.

Strand 3: Building the research capacities of undergraduate and masters' students

This strand aims to develop a programme to involve young researchers through micro-research grants for undergraduate and master students. Indian and UK Institutions will be encouraged to design a joint proposal tailored to the needs and interests of students, industry, and government partners.

The main objective of this call under strand 3 is to build stronger, more inclusive, industry-connected higher education systems that support global development impacts.

We are seeking joint proposals for building research skills for Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change. These grants will be available to institutions to develop research careers for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Action Required

Find out more and apply:

Application deadline: 15 February 2024

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