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UKCISA Benchmarking Survey about the provision of support for international students

The UKCISA benchmarking survey about the provision of support for international students in the UK closes next week on Friday 13 April 2018. Massive thank you to all of you who have already submitted your data. It is proving to be extremely interesting but we need as many responses as possible to make it most useful for members.  The anonymous information will help us to assess nationally the scope of current services and will enable us, where relevant, to raise any related issues with government departments.

Full details about the survey, why we are doing it now and how we will disseminate the findings are on the UKCISA website.

6 full conference places FREE!

As a thank you and an incentive to complete the survey, institutions who submit a response will be included in a draw and six lucky winners will be offered a complimentary place to attend the UKCISA annual conference at the University of Edinburgh 27-29 June 2018.

Preparing the data

It is unlikely that one person in your institution will have all the information to complete it.  This is why you can download a pdf of the survey and collect the data before one designated person starts to complete it online. 

Contacting us

If you have any questions about the survey or any problems completing it, please contact us at communications@ukcisa.org.uk