UK transnational education in Romania: research launch

Please note that this webinar is for UK higher education institutions only.

Join the first in our series of country-focused webinars exploring opportunities for UK transnational education (TNE) partnerships across the EU. 

In this session, we launch our research into the environment for UK TNE in Romania.

Thursday 26 October (registrations close at midnight on Monday 23 October)
14.00–15.00 UK time.
Register here.


Why UK transnational education in Romania?

With fewer than 1,000 students per year on UK university courses, Romania is not currently among the countries where UK institutions conduct intensive TNE.

However, recently adopted Romanian legislation clearly favours the internationalisation of education, the development of partnerships with universities outside the country and the improvement of study recognition processes. An openness to the development of joint degree programmes, use of micro-credentials, online education and research collaborations are among the national political priorities that also reflect academic staff perspectives on future higher education development.

Public attitudes to UK education remain highly favourable in Romania, yet those who wish to study in the UK often face major financial challenges since the removal of 'home fee' status for EU citizens. This is especially the case in a country where average incomes remain low compared with much of the rest of the EU. 

All this provides exciting opportunities for new TNE collaborations with institutions in Romania, which some forward-looking institutions are beginning to realise.

What will this session cover?

In this session, we'll explore highlights of the British Council's research into UK TNE opportunities - research which will be launched shortly before the session. 

We'll look at the overall policy environment in Romania, explore recent and upcoming developments, and then delve into case studies of successful collaborations. There will be plenty of time for audience questions.

Speakers include:

  • Maria Tsakali, Lead for Higher Education (EU Europe), British Council
  • Andrew Glass, Country Director Romania, British Council
  • Cristina Ramona Fiț, Irina Geantă, Daniela Alexe-Coteț, Researchers, Centre for Educational Policies (CPEdu).

Other speakers will be confirmed nearer to the event.

More information

For more information, please contact Andreea Stroica.

To sign up for latest updates in our UK TNE in Europe series, please register your interest here.

Action Required

Register here.

Please note that registration will close at midnight on 23 October before the session begins.