UK transnational education in Italy: Research launch

Join the second session in our UK transnational education (TNE) in the EU series, as we launch our research into Italy and explore the internationalisation environment in the Italian higher education sector.

Tuesday 31 October (registrations close at midnight on Monday 30 October)
14.00-15.00 UK time
Register here

Why UK TNE in Italy? About the research

There have traditionally been close relations between Italy and the UK in many areas of higher education. The latest HESA stats show that 2,565 students were studying for UK higher education programmes within Italy in the 2020/21 academic year. Foreign universities do not have a strong physical presence in Italy, though several UK universities have over 100 students enrolled on classroom-based programmes, generally in niche areas such as osteopathy and fashion design.

Interest in English language studies is increasing rapidly, both among local students and also among students from other countries looking to study in English. Students and Italian institutions are also recognising the potential of online delivery.

Italy is therefore a crucial country for UK institutions to understand when it comes to planning internationalisation strategies in the EU. However, detailed information about the extent and nature of existing collaborations is lacking.

With this research piece, the British Council aims to close some of those gaps in knowledge, provide a better picture of where the opportunities and challenges lie for UK institutions in building partnerships with Italy, and find out where we can support the UK and Italian sectors in realising their internationalisation ambitions.

What will this session cover?

This session will launch our research into Italy-UK relations in higher education.

Participants will hear directly from the researcher as we go through the research findings and explore areas for growth in the context of the changing internationalisation priorities of the Italian and UK higher education sectors.

We will also hear case studies of UK-Italy TNE partnerships and engage in discussion.

Speakers include:

  • Maria Tsakali, Sector Lead, Higher Education and Science, EU Region, British Council
  • Brian Young, Country Director Italy, British Council
  • Dr Fabrizio Trifiro, Head of International Engagement and International Quality Reviews, ECCTIS/UK ENIC
  • Katie Akerman, University of Chichester – Zacchia Feliciano, Sonus Factory
  • Rachel Ives, University College of Osteopathy – Marco Giardino, Academia Italiana Medicina Osteopatica (AIMO).

For more information, please contact Filomena Casamassa

Action Required

Register for the session here.

Please note that registration will close at midnight on Monday 30 October.