UK Saudi Interest Group Meeting - March 2015

The British Council Saudi invites representatives from UK institutions to participate in the UK Saudi Interest Group briefing session.

Date: Wednesday 25th March 2015
Time: 11.00 – 15.30
Venue: Strand Palace Hotel, 372 Strand, London, WC2R 0JJ, T: 020 7379 4737
Target audience: representatives from UK institutions in HE and FE sectors who are interested in the Saudi market.
Participation fee: £150 + VAT



1100-1200 Meetings with Saudi Cultural Bureau in the UK:
To arrange a meeting with the SACB team, contact Wajid Ali (

1100-1200 Presentations and discussions with Saudi Pharmacy Colleges:
Parallel session where representatives from 18 different Pharmacy Colleges will give briefs on their respective colleges and future opportunities for UK Institutions within those colleges


1200-1245 Light Lunch and networking

1245-1255 Welcome and Briefing on the Agenda:
By British Council Saudi Arabia Team

1255-1315 NCAAA Presentation:
A staff member from National Commission for Accreditation and Assessment will give a briefing on the organization and its role within the Saudi Higher Education system

1315-1345 Update by Saudi Cultural Bureau UK Team followed by Q&A

1345-1400 Coffee & Tea Break

1400-1530 UK Saudi Interest Group members meeting and briefing.

Meeting agenda:

• Attendance and apologies
• Minutes and actions from the previous meeting
• Market update delivered by British Council Saudi Arabia Team
• Coffee & Tea Break
• Discussion on the day
• Members items: IECHE, etc.
• AOB.
• Appointment of minute-taker for next meeting.
• Date and location of next meeting.

1530 End of meeting

Action Required

Please register here for the meeting: