UK-Russia University links

Friday 12 February, 13:30-15:30, via MS Teams 

Building connections at a time of political tensions matters. Education links help to showcase UK expertise and encourage long-term UK-Russia collaboration. Many of the challenges of our age are truly global and building connections with people in Russia will enable us to work together productively in the future.  

Please join the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office for this session on UK-Russia university links.  

The session will include: 

·         An outline of the FCDO’s policies on engaging with Russia in the field of education 

·         An address from the FCDO’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor Carole Mundell 

·         Case studies of UK-Russia university engagement, including benefits and challenges 

·         An overview of ongoing UK-Russia university links from the British Council 

·         An overview of Department for Education’s International Engagement Strategy 

·         Tips on engaging with Russian colleagues 

·         Advice on cyber security from the National Cyber Security Centre 

Agenda item 


Why people-to-people links with Russia are important 

Esther Blythe, Head of Policy, HMG Russia Unit 

UK-Russia links in Science


International Engagement Strategy

Professor Carole Mundell, Chief Scientific Adviser at FCDO


Faye Taylor

(Asst. Director Int’l Partnerships) and Gemma Turnbull

(Head of International Higher Education Strategy, Exports and Engagement), Dept. for Education

UK-Russia university links 

Richard Everitt, Regional Director Education and Society, British Council 

Cyber risks 

FCDO Cyber team 

Case study 

Professor Robert Mokaya, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Global Engagement, University of Nottingham

Inter-cultural engagement 

TMA World 

Action Required

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