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UK HEIs are invited to provide Covid-19 updates for students in India on the British Council India website

Covid-19 has caused uncertainty in the minds of students and parents regarding international education opportunities. They are unsure about applications, whether they will be able to travel to the UK for f2f classes or have to start online. What are the new timelines when it comes to applications?

It is absolutely critical at this time, to maintain regular communication with students in India: even if you don’t have specific answers to queries, your regular updates are exactly what will keep students engaged with their study abroad plans.

To help support you in this, the British Council International Education Services team in India is providing a digital platform to support UK education institutions communicate the latest Covid-19 related messages and contact information for students in India.

The collated information will be hosted on the British Council India website (www.britishcouncil.in) which will be accessible to students, parents, agents, counsellors and all other in-country stakeholders.

We do request that the information requested is regarding your HEIs response to the Covid-19 crisis.

These collated updates will:

Quickly communicate key messages and links for students

Be a single one-stop-shop to disseminate collated UK institution updates collectively for key local stakeholders

The British Council will support by:

Daily regular monitoring of the collected information

The updates provided will be organised alphabetically into a table accessible by students

This service is provided in support of UK education institutions on a complimentary basis

Action Required

Please fill in this form by 1 June 2020 if you would like to list your university on our website.

If you have any questions, please write to Deepika Baruah