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UK Familiarisation trip for education agents, 19 to 23 November 2012

Education agents play a crucial role in student recruitment. Of the almost 4000 Russian students in the UK and more than 1500 pupils in secondary education, about 40 per cent had received consultancy by education agents prior to coming the UK.

British Council Russia is happy to invite you to join the Familiarisation (FAM) trip for Russian education agents aimed at increasing student recruitment and building new partnerships.

Date: 19 to 23  November  2012

It is a part of agencies' strategy to increase the number of the agreements with universities and promote institutions they have visited on their return to Russia, so this will be  a great opportunity for your establishment to gain further promotion and raise brand awareness in Russia.

British Council Russia would also like to offer UK universities who will participate in the Agents trip this year a complementary promo campaign on Russia Education UK website (6 000 unique visitors monthly), in Education UK newsletter (over 13500 subscribers), and in social media accounts (20000 followers).

*Please note that at the moment the standard price for this promo campaign is 200 GBP.
Participation fee for FAM Trip is 750 GBP per institution.

Each hosting institution is also expected to provide accommodation for one night for the group of five people (four agents and accompanying British Council representative), transfer from/to rail station if relevant and lunch during the visit.

The deadline for applications is the 22 October 2012 and decision will be made by October 25 2012.

Action Required

If your institution is interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, please contact Valentina Orlova, Project Officer, British Council Russia.