UK Arts and Design Digital Campaign 2012

UK Arts and Design Digital Campaign provides an online platform to showcase UK educational excellence with a variety of online and offline resources, which include two sessions of online promotion events:

  • UK based Arts and Design courses

This session will be a formal platform to demonstrate your school’s profile, faculties, campus, alumni and especially for highlight excellence in the subject of Arts and Design. The local students who have interests on the subject may get in-depth understanding of your school through this platform.

  • Graduates’ Works on Arts and Design

This session will be a soft-communication channel with the aim of demonstrating excellent graduates’ work from your school. In addition, it will also be an interactive platform for mutual conversation between your graduates and the general public in China which will help to build up internet word of mouth regarding your school and its high-quality courses.
We’d encourage each UK participant to recommend 6 graduates to submit their excellent works with 360°photos and wordings. All works will be demonstrated on web feature pages and will also be ranked by voting from the general public.
The British Council China has organised digital campaigns or virtual exhibitions for eight years. The previous virtual exhibitions have successfully demonstrated the value and attraction of this new online initiative, and have proved a big success in terms of volume and ROI. In addition, the Virtual Exhibition has created positive impact in the Chinese overseas study market in the past several years.  Positive reports have also been made on local key print media and specialty websites.  Media monitoring suggests that a 76 times return on promotional investments have been achieved.
Details please refer to attachment.

Action Required

  • First you need to complete the application form and then send them back to Mr Jack Lu ( by 31 July 2012 as confirmation. Please notice all forms should be sent back via emails and we don’t accept fax or paper-based forms.
  • A confirmation letter by email will be sent to you upon receiving your completed application form by 17 August 2012.

Upon receiving of the application form, a letter with user name and password will be sent to you to upload the content. All content form will be sent to Mr Jack Lu by 10 September 2012.