UK – Spain collaboration in higher education

The British Council in Spain is keen to promote cooperation between UK and Spanish higher education institutions (HEIs) including for student and staff exchanges, the delivery of UK degree programmes (including double and joint degrees) and research collaboration. We are keen to learn more about current and planned collaborative activities and wish to identify existing collaboration and also those activities UK and Spanish HEIs prioritise for future cooperation. Following this research the British Council, Spain, will present its findings through a seminar, report and case studies.

The importance of the UK-Spanish relationship is illustrated by the fact that over 8,800 Spanish students follow programmes in UK HEIs (postgraduates comprise about a third); 2,700 UK Erasmus students study in Spain and 3,500 Spanish Erasmus students are in UK; over 4,000 students follow UK degree programmes delivered in Spain; and there are very extensive research links across all disciplines.

We would encourage any UK HEI staff member with an interest in Spanish academic and/or research cooperation to complete the attached questionnaire. In parallel we are conducting a similar exercise with Spanish HEIs and staff. 

Note that we will be covering research partnerships separately, although we would very much welcome direct contact and information from researchers in the UK involved in cooperation.

Action Required

If you feel that someone else in your university may be interested in filling this questionnaire, please forward this to them.  Completed questionnaires should be sent to

UK_institutions_questionnaire.pdf59.54 KB