UG-PG Mission - India

The UG-PG mission popularly known as 'UK in city' is organised in cities of Ahmedabad and Bhubaneswar targeting students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.

During the mission visits are arranged to both Schools and Higher Education Institutions for recruitment. Participating UK institutions will get a chance to interact with prospective students, make presentations about their institution and meet with senior faculty at the local school/Higher Education Institution.

Mission Dates:
Ahmedabad: 14 to 18 July 2014
Bhubaneswar: 21 to 25 July 2014

Participation fee:
Ahmedabad: £800 +VAT
Bhubaneswar: £800 +VAT

A discount of a 5 % is being offered on participation fee to Institutions applying for both missions

For the list of probable Indian institutions, application form and a brief about Ahmedabad and Bhubaneswar kindly visit,

Action Required

For the list of probable Indian institutions, application form and a brief about Ahmedabad and Bhubaneswar - kindly visit,