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TENDER ANNOUNCEMENT: Research on the labour market demand for higher education graduates in Kazakhstan 2021-2030

The British Council in Kazakhstan is looking for organisations to conduct research on projected labour market demand for higher education graduates in Kazakhstan 2021-2030. This research forms part of The British Council’s “Higher Education for Employability” programme for Wider Europe. The research will be conducted in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan (MoES).

Higher Education for Employability is a British Council regional programme that aims to enhance the quality of higher education and improve the conditions for graduate employability.  To do this we are focusing on providing support in three areas, i) quality assurance, ii) quality of teaching and iii) quality of graduate outcomes.  We will bring UK higher education expertise and experience to strengthen systems and structures, increase capacity in data collection, research and teaching excellence, and support transnational education. 

In partnership with the MoES, we want to conduct this study to help the Government of Kazakhstan and the country’s higher education sector improve employability prospects for graduates through a better understanding of labour market demand.

There are so many other factors that also influence this outcome. But it will provide the MoES in Kazakhstan with quantitative and qualitative data it can consider in its deliberations to move forward in this area.

The timeframe of activities:

  • RFP Issued to bidding suppliers  23 November 2020
  • Deadline for clarification questions (Clarification Deadline) 1 December 2020
  • British Council to respond to clarification questions 3 December 2020
  • Deadline for submission of RFP responses by potential suppliers (Response Deadline) 8 December 2020
  • Final Decision 18 December 2020
  • Contract concluded with winning supplier 23 December 2020
  • Contract start date 23 December 2020

Action Required

Submit all mandatory documentation to Daniyar.Mukitanov@britishcouncil.org  by the Response Deadline, as set out in the Timescales section of the RFP/ITT document.

RFP for HE4E KZ research v4.docx59.87 KB