Support Study UK's international student research

Survey closes 31 March 2024

The British Council and Study UK are currently researching to explore the journey and decision-making process of international students who are in their first year of studying in the UK.

Each year, our research with new international students seeks to measure and understand motivations for studying in the UK; understand touchpoints in the student journey and decision-making process; and measure new international students’ experiences of studying in the UK.

Share the survey with international students your institution is in contact with

In return for your support, you will receive institution-specific findings about your students’ early experiences in the UK. Contact Zoe at Red Brick Research ( once the survey has been sent out, and she will provide a link to your live online dashboard report. You’ll also be invited to a webinar to hear about the broader findings later this year.

Eligibility: Any international student (UG or PG) who enrolled in 2023 or is due to enrol by the end of March 2024 is in scope.

All participating students will be entered into a prize draw.

Action Required

Please share the survey with your international students and emphasise the role that they can have in adding value by sharing their perspectives on studying in the UK.

Note the survey will close at 12pm on 31 March 2024, so it’s essential it’s distributed before then.

Please find attached an email you can copy and adapt to share the survey link with your international students.

Please do not hesitate to get in contact if you have any questions:

HEIs to Student Email BC.docx22.56 KB