Support a study programme for 100 Indian scholars

UPDATE: deadline extended to 22 January 2024

We are seeking a UK host institution to support a study programme for 100 students from the state of Tamil Nadu, India, from February to March 2024.

About the programme

The SCOUT - GREAT Scholars for Outstanding Undergraduate Talent will consist of a course module of approximately 64 hours (24 hours online + 40 hours face-to-face) to enable students to experience international higher education and inspire them in the fields of innovation and research.

The experience and skills students will get from the programme will be invaluable in their professional and academic pursuits after university.

The programme will also promote awareness and develop a greater understanding of UK education among potential students.

The course should focus on the following themes.

  1. Data Science – Foundation on Data Analysis
  2. Artificial Intelligence – A practical introduction

Objective of the tour

  • To provide exposure and skills to talented young people without means to access international education.
  • To give them an experience of international education to excel in higher education and inspiration for innovation and research.
  • To support them to impact local community, educational institutions, and workplace through the learning they gain during the short course.
  • To enable Tamil Nadu Higher Education Council collaborate with UK Institutions
  • To support the internationalisation of Indian Higher education system through this engagement thereby supporting the NEP2020 aspiration

Benefits for the UK host institution

  • An opportunity to showcase the best of their facilities and academic culture to a visiting group of international students directly through face-to-face engagement.
  • An opportunity to network and understand the partnership and student mobility opportunity of Tamil Nadu and India in general.
  • The chance to provide a learning opportunity through a short certification course to a group of young people from India.

As there will be visiting faculty accompanying the students from the Department of Education, parallel meetings with the representatives from External/International Relations Department of the host institution could be arranged for possible collaborations and partnerships (no partnership fee involved).

Proposed outcomes

  • Students will talk positively about their experience in the UK with their peers.
  • Students will be able to make connections and friends during the programme.
  • Students will gain skills and confidence on a par with those who have greater access to international experiences and exposure.
  • Students will gain subject specific skills and get to experience new pedagogical methods.
  • Students to present a report on their visit experience and skills they have learnt during the visit.
  • Social media, and press and media campaigns with the students and State, in India and the UK.

Event details and format

Dates of the programme: February to March 2024

Student composition: 100 students for the online course and 25 students for a five-day face-to-face course in the UK.

For the Face-to-face session, students will be accompanied by two senior officials from education institutions in the state of Tamil Nadu and two British Council staff.

Proposed model of delivery

The programme is to be delivered in two phases, following a hybrid model, to ensure an international online education experience (approx. 24 hours) to 100 students from Tamil Nadu and an equal opportunity to the 25 selected students to visit a UK higher education institution for a week for an on-site classroom module (approx. 40 hours).

Phase 1

  • The Tamil Nadu state nominates 100 students from Tamil Nadu as per the agreed criteria.
  • A UK higher education institution delivers a 24-hour online module on any one of the above-mentioned topics – to be completed by mid February 2024.
  • UK higher education institution conducts an online assessment and shortlists 25 students – to be submitted by third week of February 2024
  • Certificate of participation to be issued to all students who completes the final assessment.

Phase 2

  • The 25 students visit the UK for a 40-hour course on the agreed subject theme. This course should be a higher-level course to the already delivered online course. The UK University can provide online recourses to prepare for the course.
  • The state will identify and support the travel of two accompanying staff with the students. The state will choose and identify them.
  • Accommodation in a UK higher education residency within or outside the campus arranged by the host UK insitution. If arranged outside campus, ideally this should within five to ten minutes walking distance from the campus.
  • Cultural immersions in terms of tours, visits, dinners etc in the city to experience the city they are visiting.
  • Post visit event to be organised by Tamil Nadu government for students to share their experience, which would motivate other students to dream big – within 60 days of return. Presence of the UK university country representative is recommended.
  • Social media and press campaigns with the students in India and the UK.

Proposed role of the UK host institution

  • Provide airport to airport support for the students in the UK.
  • Provide courses and modules of study on the themes given above for students, including the online platform (Zoom, Google meet, etc), access to online resources, etc.
  • Take on the duty of care of the students during their stay coordinating with accompanying faculty.
  • Provide meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) in the residency or outside as part of cultural experiences.
  • Provide cultural experiences and visits to provide students a holistic UK experience. Should include any entry fee, transport etc as part of the visits.
  • Please note that students will be from a cross section of science, commerce, and humanities departments, hence a multidisciplinary approach will be appreciated.

In your expression of interest/proposal please indicate the following:

  • Initial draft for 64 hours (24 hours online + 40 hours face-to-face) study programme based on the indicated themes while considering the trip’s objectives mentioned above. Please mention costs if any.
  • It should indicate if hostel accommodation on double occupancy can be provided in-campus or off-campus for students. Visiting faculties (two) and British Council staff (two) should be provided single accommodation.
  • Confirmation of provision of lunch/networking lunch (Halal/vegetarian dietary requirement) with possible invitation to colleagues to join from External/International Relations department of host institution.

Selection process

  • British Council will select the host institution based on the strength of the proposed programme and budget.
  • Please submit your interest to host the delegation along with a framework of study-programme by Monday 22 January 2024.
  • The expression of interest/proposal should be submitted using this online form.

Evaluating proposals

All eligible applications will be scored by review panel members.

Selection criteria



Programme design


Holistic support offered to participants and university's commitment to EDI values


Due diligence and risk management processes


Monitoring and evaluation frameworks


Operational capacity and cost effectiveness


About Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu is the southernmost state and the most urbanised state of India, Tamil Nadu boasts an economy with gross state domestic product (GSDP) of ₹24.85 lakh crore (US$310 billion) and ranks 11th in human development index in India. Tamil Nadu is also one of the most industrialised states, with the manufacturing sector accounting for more than one-third of the state's GDP. Home to a number of ancient relics, historic buildings, religious pilgrimage spots, hill stations, forts, and three World Heritage Sites, Tamil Nadu's tourism industry is the largest among the Indian states. 15% of Tamil Nadu's forests are protected areas, hosting diverse wildlife

The Higher Education in Tamil Nadu State deals with the higher education i.e., college education, technical education and universities. Objectives are development of Undergraduate and Post graduate education, Increasing Access to Higher Education, encouraging private participation in the expansion of Collegiate Education, development of infrastructure in Government Colleges, ens​uring maintenance of high standards of ​education in colleges.

Eligibility criteria set up for the selection of the students by the Tamil Nadu Government (for information only)

  • Age has to be above 18 years as on the date of application for the project.
  • Must have a valid passport at the time of application
  • They should be in the 1% of the board of examination of recognised board in India
  • Must have secured admission to a regular course in a HEI in the top 100 NIRF or NAAC 3.0 rating or Institutes of Eminence and National Importance.
  • Should be enrolled and attending first or second year college in India at the time of application and travel to UK on the SCOUT programme
  • And any other additional criteria as proposed by the ministry or government authority
  • Students may be additionally required to complete online classes or distance learning study or assignments set by the hosting institution ahead of their participation in the programme.
  • Students may be required to take English language test and develop proficiency in English before participation in the programme.

*Signing of formal Operational Alliance Agreement between the British Council and Tamil Nadu Govt. is under process. However, all official approvals are in place.

Action Required

Submit your interest using this online form.

Application deadline: Monday 22 January 2024, 1700 hours UKT

Send any questions to Joydeep Bordoloi, Senior Manager HE Scholarships India, British Council at