Study Work Create - The latest outward mobility opportunities

In the latest Study Work Create newsletter we have a number of exciting opportunities for UK based students including:

  • Erasmus+: Students can study in one of 32 countries in Europe that your University has an agreement with. 
  • English Language Assistants: Students get to improve their language skills as well as experience a different culture and develop invaluable, transferable skills for the workplace. 
  • Japan Society for Promotion of Science: For PhD and Mphil students. Participants will learn about Japanese language, culture and research systems and conduct joint research under the guidance of their host researchers. Applications close 15 January.
  • Study in Brazil: A list of all the Universities and HE institutions in Brazil that offer courses delivered in English. 
  • Euraxess: STEM and Social Science researchers can get all the support and advice they need on pursuing an international career with the new Euraxess UK portal.
  • Volunteer in Ukraine: Participants can spend three or five weeks next year voluteering to help Ukrainian children learn English with GoCamps. 
  • Train to teach Languages in England: Languages graduates could be eligible to receive a scholarship from Get into Teaching to train to teach French, Spanish or German in England. 
  • Study China - Three week programme: Students in England and Northern Ireland can apply to spend Easter 2017 on a funded study trip to China. 
  • Generation UK - China internships: For students in Northern Ireland and Wales, the application deadline to take part in a two-month funded internship in China has been extended to 5 February.

To see full information about the opportunities including the deadlines for students to apply take a look at the newsletter. If you have received this via email, please do not forward onto students.

Please use the links above to share the opportunities available.