STUDY UK WEEK 2021 - Pakistan

The Study UK Week is insight driven, with the core objective of providing UK higher education institutions (UK HEIs) with unique platforms for brand presence and for connecting with their target audience. The week will roll out simultaneously in three major cities of Pakistan (Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad) providing impactful outreach for participating UK institutions without the need for in-person representation. It features multiple marketing options to reach potential students-designed to be purposeful, direct and to successfully generate brand recognition. The options effectively cater to both regular partners and institutions exploring the Pakistani market for the first time.

The pandemic stipulations, while lessened, still continue to affect travel and physical engagements and it is difficult for UK HEIs to engage in face-to-face activities.  The Study UK Week is an ideal opportunity to promote your brand and raise your profile in Pakistan.

Key Framework for Study UK Week:

  1. Nearly 08 local campuses in each city (Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad), will be hosting the week: These include O/A level schools and universities
  2. Outreach: 25 campuses across Pakistan
  3. On campus engagement will be run by student ambassadors from each of the host institutes - who will be trained and briefed by the Study UK team in Pakistan

Benefits for participating UK institutions:

  1. Provides a dedicated week at the start of the academic term to create impact and develop brand recognition for UK HEIs.
  2. Effective recall and positive engagement for the target audience at all levels. It is an innovative model that moves away from traditional methods of audience engagement and counters challenges faced in repeated physical presentation.
  3. The platform is designed to deliver multiple, clutter-breaking marketing options for participating UK HEIS to choose from-ranging from digital to face to face activities run by student ambassadors and branding opportunities.
  4. Ensures wide scaled outreach in the three major cities of Pakistan-building brand equity both digitally and via on ground activities.
  5. Study UK week activity is a unique opportunity for UK universities to explore recruitment leads for future enrolments and generate positive word of mouth within potential students.
  6. UK HEIs can make the most of the highly trusted British Council and Study UK brands to engage with local students in a more tangible format after months of virtual engagements

*Please note that if due to unforeseen circumstances e.g. local institution closure/offering online classes due to Covid 19, the Study UK Week will be executed in the following weeks/ months (before March 2022) and we shall keep the UK HEIs informed.

For more information and participating options to consider, please view the attached document (PDF).

Action Required

Submit your interest with the selected options and/or queries via email to:

Haroon Rashid Manager, IES - Study UK, Pakistan
Submit your interest by 22 October 2021

Study UK Week Nov 21.pdf133.37 KB