Study UK promotional campaign in Russia

Study UK promotional campaign in Russia 15 November – 15 December 2021 and 15 January – 15 February 2022: promotional opportunities for UK education establishments

The national promotional campaign will target potential students and their parents in Russian cities with the most recruitment potential. We aim to raise awareness of the UK educational offer and to promote individual institutions as the pandemic has hit international students’ recruitment.  We strongly believe in a long-term commitment to international students’ mobility and in a positive difference that all levels of academic mobility (from schoolchildren and students to early career researchers and academics) is making to our countries. Although the pandemic has affected the number of students applications from Russia, the interest in studying abroad among Russian parents and students is resuming. UK remains the top-choice destination for students from private schools, and one of top-4 countries for students planning their education abroad. 

The promotional campaign will include a number of tools and channels like streams, talks, webinars, articles, interviews, SM posts/feeds, newsletters, and presentations. Please see below how you can be part of it free of charge.

1. Suggest an alumni or student for "Live streams on Facebook with students and alumni” and “Alumni talk webinar” Students' and alumni experience live-streams - students from selected universities share their experience of studying in the UK during the pandemics.

Deadline is 1 November 2021

2. Suggest your relevant programmes to be covered in one of the articles: Best Bachelor Degrees in Fashion & Design;  Overview of the Master`s Degrees in Design, Sustainable Design, Jewellery Design, etc.; Overview of the best MBA & Master’s Programmes in Business and Marketing; Success stories of people who decided to change their lives after 30s and get a Master’s Degree in UK (we are looking for suggestions for alumni); Top UK universities with Environmental Science Degrees, Top UK universities beyond The Golden triangle, Outstanding UK boarding schools with unique features (architecture, location, list of activities etc).

Deadline is 1 November 2021

3. Nominate a speaker for online presentation for private Russian schools on tips for choosing pathway to UK university

Deadline is 10 November 2021

4. Nominate your alumni for the best success stories: successful start-ups or achievements.

Deadline is 10 November 2021

5. Send us information for the Scholarship brochure.  

We aim to produce a brochure with different opportunities for scholarships offered by UK universities to international students. The brochure will be promoted on the website, via social media, agents' and student databases. Information you provide should include the following: 

  • Name of University     
  • Name of Scholarship/subject area if applicable     
  • Value/what is covered/Limitations/selected programmes     
  • Eligibility/BA or MA     
  • Deadline for applying     
  • Link to the website

Deadline is 20 November 2021

6. Do you have some exciting news you’d like us to share via our SM accounts? Please send us a paragraph and if your content is selected, we will contact you and ask for a photo. 

Deadline is 15 November 2021

Selection criteria: we will be guided by first come first served principle but will take into account that we are looking for a diverse content to represent the best of the UK offer.

If you nominate a speaker, we will be in touch directly with him/her but we’ll give some deadlines for confirmation of talks/presentations and if the deadlines are missed we will go to another candidate. 

Please send your expression of interest to



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Please send your expression of interest to