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Study UK Magazine 2018: Advertisement and Advertorial opportunity

British Council Pakistan’s annual Study UK publication provides information on emerging trends in education, internationalising education, holistic information on career counselling and other topics of interest regarding education and qualifications in UK. The magazine promotes and contains success stories and interviews of UK alumni. It provides UK institutions an opportunity to place advertisements and advertorials for a reader audience of career advisers, educationists, student counsellors and agents as well as administrators of educational institutions in Pakistan.

Why should you advertise in this publication?
The publication date for Study UK magazine 2018 is March 2018. Place an advertisement or advertorial in our annual Study UK magazine and be seen by thousands of school counsellors, agents, educators, students and parents in Pakistan. The publication provides advertised institutions with direct visibility among prospective applicants and direct influencers. The last edition of the magazine published in 2017 reached over 10,000 people.

Sample content

  1. Study UK Alumni Awards 2017
  2. Facilitating professional development for alumni
  3. Student Visa Requirements
  4. Preparing Students for Education in the UK
  5. Alumni – testimonials
  6. Student Insight Survey
  7. Study UK Exhibition Tour 2017
  8. Scholarship Guide 2018-19
  9. Study UK Counsellors Symposium 2017
  10. The international School award

To preview and download the previous issues:
Study UK Magazine 2017, click here
Education UK Magazine 2016, click here
Education UK Magazine 2015, click here

Target Audience and Circulation
5,000 copies of the publication are distributed to Pakistani educational institutes in both schools and HE sector. The circulation is also distributed at EUK events and sent to major libraries across the country. The target audience of this magazine is career advisors, educationists and students. The magazine is also available online in pdf format for free distribution and dissemination.

Benefits for participating UK institutions:

  1. Showcase your institution’s excellence and unique features in a publication with circulation to target audiences of Pakistan’s  students  and influencers
  2. Opportunity to further enhance your institution and brand profile in the Pakistani education sector
  3. Reach a wide audience through the magazine’s distribution across local schools, universities, career adviser offices, educational consultant offices and other local stakeholders

Submit your interest latest by Thursday – 08 March, 2018. Register now!

For details on participation and costs, please review the attached EOI

Action Required

Submit your interest to:
Saman Imtiaz (Head SIEM) Saman.Imtiaz@britishcouncil.org.pk
Haroon Rashid (Manager SIEM, Islamabad) Haroon.Rashid@britishcouncil.org.pk

Submit your interest latest by 02 February, 2018. Register now!

EOI Study UK Magazine 2018.pdf346.86 KB