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Study UK free online course for education agents and counsellors

Meet the course leaders and find out more about the MOOC at our Facebook Live event: https://www.facebook.com/events/411128516115558/

The Study UK campaign is running its free massive open online course (MOOC) for education agents and counsellors again. It will provide professionals working in student recruitment and consultancy with the latest information about the UK as a study destination and with useful tools to make their work easier.

The course will follow the journey of a typical international student, from their first decision to study abroad, through to the support they need while living and studying in the UK. Topics covered will include:

  • the benefits of studying in the UK
  • learning why students choose the UK
  • defining the skills, knowledge, and responsibilities needed to get students on to the right course
  • understanding how UK institutions support learners
  • exploring the resources available to support education agents and counsellors.

This is a fantastic opportunity for professional education practitioners to:

  • join an online community of like-minded individuals
  • interact with others and share relevant expertise while learning
  • access a range of free resources and guidance to assist with their promotional activity
  • learn with the British Council

Action Required

Sign up today

The course starts on Monday 18 March 2019, but registration is already open. To sign-up, please visit: www.futurelearn.com/courses/study-uk-education-advisors

This course is designed primarily for those advising students looking to come to the UK to study, including education agents, counsellors, and those interested in related professions.