Study-UK Discover You – Open Day 2017 - 18

Study-UK Discover You – Open Day series will be organised in three cities for local agents of UK institutions. Agents, who have received professional development training by the British Council, will be eligible to participate in the event. The events will be organised in Dhaka on Saturday 6 May 2017 at Westin, in Chittagong on Saturday 20 May 2017 at The Peninsula and in Sylhet on Saturday 15 July 2017 at Rose View Hotel. Participation fee for the Open Day series is GBP 1450. Local agents are required to book their place by 30 March 2017. The payment will be required to be made by 13 April 2017.  

Action Required

UK institutions are advised to forward the attached documents to their in country local agents, so that they can participate in the open day series. Local agents are required to sign on the attached documents and email to Sarker Asif Iqbal