Study UK Academic Readiness MOOC

We are proud to announce that on 3 September 2018 we will officially launch a massive open online course (MOOC) specifically designed to help international students learn about studying and living in the UK.

Our ‘Study UK Academic Readiness’ MOOC will be hosted on FutureLearn, will teach international students about UK higher education, including academic requirements, teaching methods, and course structures and assessments. It will also provide advice for studying in English, in addition to practical information about living in the UK.

The course, which will be available free of charge, is targeted at international students who will enroll on UK higher education courses in September 2018 or January 2019. It is also suitable for current international students who want to improve their skills and knowledge, and prospective international students who want to know more about a UK education. Please note, in future years we may ruun this MOOC in August and December to align with pre-depearture briefings for September and January intakes.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Study UK Sector Strategy Group for leading on developing this concept and working with us to ensure these opportunities are realised.

We kindly ask all UK institutions to promote the ‘Study UK Academic Readiness’ MOOC among their incoming international students, and to make it available to current and prospective students. We are confident that the MOOC will boost participation and improve academic outcomes, benefitting the overall student experience.

We hope you share our enthusiasm for this new resource and that you will encourage your international students to take part. Attached is a one-page introduction to the MOOC containing further information for you and a poster that you can share with your students.

Action Required

Encourage your students to sign up here: