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  • Study UK’s ‘A Guide for Education Agents’ free online course will be running again on 12 October and registration is now open.

Study UK’s ‘A Guide for Education Agents’ free online course will be running again on 12 October and registration is now open.

Study UK’s ‘A Guide for Education Agents’ free online course will be running again on 12 October and registration is now open.

This free online course provides international education agents working in student recruitment to the UK with the latest information about the UK as a study destination and with useful tools to make their work easier. The online course is designed to run over a three-week period starting on 12 October 2020, although participants can complete it in their own time, so long as they register by midnight GMT on 13 December 2020.

Following the example of a typical international student, participants will learn how to advise them at every step of their journey, from their first decision to study abroad, through to the support they need while living and studying in the UK. Participants will discuss why students choose the UK, how UK institutions support learners, and what resources are available to support education agents in their work, among other topics.

Action Required

Please encourage your network of international education agents to register for and complete the MOOC. You can refer to the promotional toolkit for website copy, newsletter copy, social media copy, and visual assets. An FAQ is also available if you would like more information about the online course.

If you have any questions about the course, please do not hesitate to get in touch on studyuk@britishcouncil.org