Student recruitment in the Norwegian market

Find out more about the DOs and DON’Ts of student recruitment in the Norwegian market directly from the Association of Norwegian Students Representatives (ANSA).

Currently nearly 24 400 Norwegian students are studying abroad in over 90 countries at over 1200 educational institutions worldwide with UK still being the most popular destination for study abroad.

How can UK institutions access and make the most of recruitment opportunities in the Norwegian market? Find out from the expert of the Association of Norwegian Students Representatives (ANSA) expert, who will be joining our Europe Autumn 2014 series webinar alongside other local experts on 29 October (12pm-13pm GMT) “The Nordic Countries: Potential for Collaboration and Recruitment- Norway and Sweden”.

ANSA is a non-profit and independent organisation voicing the interests of Norwegian students that study abroad. It maintains and promotes educational, cultural, political and economic interests of Norwegian students abroad. It has been up and running since 1956 and receives over 10 000 enquiries from Norwegian students a year.

For more information look on the Europe Autumn 2014 Webinar Series.

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