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Latest Education Intelligence's report paints a picture of the modern TNE student’s perceptions, priorities and preferences

Student Insight Hot Topics: Portrait of a Transnational Education Student

The establishment of transnational education (TNE) programmes is now on the strategic agenda of most higher education institutions due growing global demand. How has the economic downturn influenced how students value TNE? What do students consider when pursuing such programmes?

This latest research report from EDUCATION INTELLIGENCE, the British Council’s global higher education service, is based on decision-making data collected via our signature Student Insight Survey, which has captured over 160,000 responses in more than 200 countries, as well as interviews with current and former TNE students and administrators.

Some key findings of our Student Insight TNE research: 

  • Potential TNE students value the practicality of the TNE degree over the reputation, brand, or ranking of the awarding institution
  • TNE students’ learning experiences as well as the skill sets upon graduation are unique to those of traditional students
  • TNE students feel a stronger affiliation to their program and the larger TNE community than to their awarding institution
  • Universities should recognize the TNE student community as a distinct part of the greater university societ
  • As TNE continues to evolve in line with the most advanced communications technology, universities should strive to include a face-to-face component in their programs

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This report is now available for purchase on the EDUCATION INTELLIGENCE online store

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Please contact Education Intelligence at EI.support@britishcouncil.org.hk for any enquiries.