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Sri Lanka: Opportunity for UK academics to design and deliver an employability skills programme

British Council is looking for an academic specialist from the UK sector to design and deliver a programme to local public university academics on 21st century skills for employability.

British Council Sri Lanka will host an Industry – Higher Education Dialogue in October 2016. This dialogue will entail speakers and panellists from the private sector representing multiple sectors of the economy and key stakeholders from the higher education sector including officials from the Ministry of Higher Education, the University Grants Commission, Vice Chancellors, Deans, Heads of Departments and Centre Heads from public universities and transnational education institutes. The objective of the dialogue is to identify different perspectives and possible gaps between what the higher education sector perceives as important graduate skills and what requirements the private sector values from an employment and career development vantage point.

British Council Sri Lanka requires an academic specialist to attend the dialogue, participate in the capacity of a guest speaker and develop a 2 day skills programme targeting academics based on findings and insights generated from the dialogue to be delivered subsequently in January 2017. The programme should accomplish the following:

  1. Identify a set of 21st century skills for employability most relevant for the Sri Lankan context
  2. Identify and illuminate on some of the most effective modes by which these skills can be imparted to students
  3. Impart knowledge on how these skills can be embedded into curricular and assessment practices

Funding for both the design and delivery of the programme will come from a combination of the British Council and local public universities.


  1. Receive financial consultancy fee for design and delivery
  2. Have the opportunity to demonstrate UK expertise in skills for employability


Action Required

If interested and to know more, please contact Chamath Peiris - Manager Higher Education and Education Services by Wednesday 31 August 2016.

Note: Please provide an introduction to your background and the Institution you represent.

In addition, please provide a quotation for the design and delivery of a 2 day programme for 30 local university academics. This should include separate costs for designing the programme and delivery over 2 days.