Special Needs Orientation Exhibition - Kuwait

The Public Authority for the Disabled (PAD ) Kuwait will be running their special needs orientation event on May 18-19, 2014. This exhibition is targeted to special needs students wishing to go to the UK or any other country for their further and higher education. This is an annual event in which universities take part to recruit and highlight their services/offers and answer any enquiries about their programmes for special needs students. Additionally, we can use this event as a platform to increase PAD's awareness about services UK institutions can offer to the students with different disabilities. The exhibition is expected to attract an audience of around 250-300 on both days.

The students have a different range of challenges that might include physical, hearing and visual. They are mostly interested in Arts, Business, Engineering, Communications and Science degrees. There are 50 scholarships allotted by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) for special needs students.

Therefore, we would like to invite institutions interested to participate in this exhibition. The organisers will provide booths and you will need to bring your promotional material, which mostly refers to the services for the disabled and university policies.

Participating institutions will need to cover all their travel and accommodation costs associated with this event.

Action Required

Since the event is soon we would like confirmation of attendance from the institutions as early as possible so that booths can be allocated and names to be added in the promotional material. The deadline for confirming is Wednesday 7 May 2014.