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South Africa-UK University Collaboration Grants Call (USDP-Phase 2)

The USDP falls under DHET’s University Capacity Development Programme (UCDP). One of the aims of the USDP is to promote collaborations that seek to increase the number of academics with PhDs in South African universities.

South African and UK Universities are invited to apply for a grant to enable partnership discussions and joint programme development in support of doctoral training for South African academics. This is an exciting opportunity to forge new links and partnerships and to strengthen existing links between SA and UK universities.

This collaboration grants call is a preparatory phase for the USDP Phase 2 proposal submissions where SA-UK universities will be required to submit their final proposals in support of doctoral training for academics at SA institutions. Through this call a maximum of 15 grants to the value of GBP 5,000-10,000 (ZAR 180,000) will be awarded to UK and SA universities.

This call is open to all UK and SA Universities. The lead institution for this collaboration development grant application can be a UK or SA university. For the USDP Phase 2 submissions, however, lead institutions have to be from South Africa.

The following criteria apply:

  • Institutions must have demonstrated capability in doctoral training for academic and professional staff.
  • Universities that have previously participated in UK-SA workshops/ Universities UK International (UUKi) and USAf/NRF workshops held between UK and SA universities are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Institutions which participated in the USDP Phase 1 call are eligible to apply for this funding; however, this should be a new proposal. If successful, a 2nd cohort of PhD students will be recruited as part of the partnership with a UK institution.
  • The consortia to be formed ahead of the joint submission for USDP Phase 2 must consist of two South African universities, one of which must be a Historically Disadvantaged Institution or University of Technology as well as a UK university.

Action Required

The application form should be completed online at https://www.britishcouncil.org.za/programmes/education/sa-uk-university-staff-doctoral-programme. Submissions by email will not be accepted. The online form allows applicants to enter information, submit and return later to amend until final submission. In addition to filling in the online form, applicants are required to upload a detailed budget on a specified template.

Call opens: 7 December 2018

Call closes: 25 January 2019

For any queries, please contact Meekness.Lunga@britishcouncil.org.za.