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Sign up to participate at the Figaro Etudiant student fair - Paris

The Figaro Etudiant student fair (Paris) will take place on Sat 5 October 2019 for its 4th edition. This event targets students in their last two years of secondary school interested in following a range of education opportunities, in particular at undergraduate level. 10,000 attended the fair in 2018. The event is widely publicized online, in print media and in posters on the Paris metro.

The British Council has negotiated an arrangement to ensure that if a minimum of 6 institutions register for the event, their stands will benefit from a clearly-identified brand and signage. A dedicated 30 min conference on Studying in the UK after the Baccalauréat, managed by the British Council with the possible presence of UK university representatives is also offered under the same conditions.

The British Council expects to offer a market briefing on Friday 4th October at their offices, 9 rue de Constantine, 75007 Paris.

Fee: EURO 2,500 (+VAT) for a 6m2 equipped stand

Registration deadline: Monday 16 September 2019

When: Saturday 5 October 2019 – 10h-18h

Where: Carousel du Louvre – 99 rue de Rivoli – 75001 Paris

Website: https://etudiant.lefigaro.fr/salon-rencontres-orientation/

This exhibition is 1 of 3 opportunities with Le Figaro Etudiant in partnership with the British Council during October. See also:

Action Required

If you are interested in this opportunity, please write directly to Caroline Fayolle, consultant, at cfayolle@figarocms.fr for further information and to register, copying in studyuk.france@britishcouncil.org.

Registration deadline: 12 September 2019