Shape of things to come: TNE Opportunities Matrix

The transnational education Opportunities Matrix is a free tool exclusively available to UK institutions.  The Opportunities Matrix was created as part of the British Council research: The shape of things to come - The evolution of transnational education: Data, definitions, opportunities and impacts analysis

The Opportunities Matrix addresses the need to better understand and compare TNE environments across a range of host countries.  Rather than a detailed, in-depth guide to TNE in countries, it is an holistic assessment comparing the environments in 24 countries and one Special Administrative Region. 

The Opportunities Matrix combines indicators which assess:

  • The policy environment
  • The market environment
  • The mobility environment

And the file allows users to directly compare the strengths and weaknesses of different countries.

Action Required

Further details of the research including the free report and videos of presentations can be found here

Any questions about the full report or the Opportunities Matrix should be directed to