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School Engagement Opportunity in North East Asia: Hong Kong School Roadshow 2022 (blended)

The British Council is delighted to announce this year’s Hong Kong School Roadshow will be taking place on 26 - 30 September. The event is designed to enable UK HEIs to meet prospective students, raise institutions’ profile and build or strengthen links and relationships with Hong Kong schools. The roadshow, which has run successfully over 10 years, is now open for applications from all UK HEIs.

This event is timed to coincide with the period when Year 13 / HKDSE Secondary 6 students are making final choices for university entry, and when Year 12 students / HKDSE Secondary 5 will be begin the decision-making process. Students from lower grades (Year 11 / HKDSE Secondary 4) may also be invited.

International schools are a major source of recruitment for UK HEIs. At the same time, we recognise the growing demand from DSS (direct subsidy scheme) schools offering both HKDSE and IB curriculum (A-level in some cases) therefore we will collaborate with the Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Schools Council to host a hybrid student fair this year.

Interested institutions can choose to attend either of the following activities:

  1. Hybrid student fairs (i.e. DSS info day and school visits)
    - places are available for both in-person and virtual participation but may vary depending on the maximum capacity offered by the host schools. Representatives who choose to attend virtually are more than welcome to invite one of your alumni to work alongside you on the day.
  2. Virtual open session
    - open to all but mainly for colleagues who are unable to travel to Hong Kong during the roadshow week.

A career counsellor networking event will be arranged after the roadshow week. The event date and details will be announced in due course.

This event is free of charge. Places are limited and available on a first-come first-served basis. Participants will be responsible for all expenses, such as air tickets, accommodation (including designated quarantine hotels in HK), transportation between roadshow schools, meals as well as other travel costs during the roadshow event.

Timetable (tentative)

26 September

27 September

28 September

30 September

DSS Info day

Virtual open session

School visit 1

School visit 2

School visit 3


Format of event

The planned activities are two-fold:                    

Event type

Event details

Places available

Student fairs (hybrid)

Date: 26, 28, 30 September (3 days)

  • 26 Sep:
    [DSS info day] 14.00 – 19.00 HKT (07.00 – 12.00 BST)
  • 28 Sep:
    [School 1] 08.30 – 12.00 HKT (01.30 – 05.00 BST)
    [School 2] 13.45 – 16.00 HKT (06.45 – 09.00 BST)
  • 30 Sep:
    [School 3] 16.30 – 18.00 HKT (09.30 – 11.00 BST)

Event format:

  • Mini exhibitions at local schools
  • Seminars



  • The hybrid student fairs will be in collaboration with 2-3 international curriculum schools and member schools of Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council (over 70 schools).
  • Representatives must be university staff. Agents or consortium organisations are not permitted.


Virtual open sessions

Date: Tuesday 27 September
Time: 18.30 – 20.30 HKT (11.30 – 13.30 BST)
Platform: Zoom (tbc)
Estimated audience size: 300-500

This webinar session will be open to prospective students, their parents and schoolteachers from non-roadshow schools and Macao. The topics include:

  • Study UK update & UCAS
  • University introduction session – presented by 5 UK universities
  • Online counselling (breakout sessions)



Important notes   

  • Numbers of participants for student fair per day may vary depending on the maximum capacity offered by the host schools. Please indicate your availability in the application form. We will confirm the event date(s) and details with you in early September.
  • Participants who travel from outside of China must comply with the HK government’s quarantine requirements (3-day hotel quarantine and 4-day medical surveillance), and provide a negative result of rapid antigen test (RAT) in order to attend the British Council’s school events.
  • This event is free of charge. There will be no travel and catering arrangements provided by the British Council during the student fairs.

Hong Kong Covid-19 requirements in summary:

Before travelling to Hong Kong
Fully vaccinated travellers flying from outside of China are allowed to enter HK SAR. They must supply (1) a valid proof of having received the last dose of vaccine at least 14 days before travel, (2) a negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test result 48 hours prior to flight departure time and (3) a confirmation letter of room reservation at a designated quarantine hotel (DQH) for self-quarantine before boarding for HK.

If you are not fully vaccinated and have visited places outside mainland China, Macao or Taiwan within the past 14 days, you will be denied entry into Hong Kong.

Arriving in Hong Kong        

  • Passengers are required to undergo multiple PCR tests (including upon arrival, Day 2, Day 4, Day 6, and Day 9), daily rapid antigen tests (RAT) will need to be done during compulsory quarantine. The standard quarantine is for 14 days; however, fully vaccinated travellers will be eligible for the new ‘3+4’ model (i.e. 3-day hotel quarantine and 4-day medical surveillance).
  • During the medical surveillance (the 4th to 7th day), travellers will also not be permitted to enter places such as schools, care homes, designated medical venues, bars and restaurants. Wearing a facial mask is a must when attending work, taking public transport, and going for shopping.
  • Travellers who stayed in Taiwan over the past 14 days require to comply with the same rules as passengers travelling from outside of China. 

Leave Home Safe app and colour code system
You are required to download the HK government’s Covid-19 tracking app (Leave Home Safe) on your mobile devices upon arrival. If visitors contracted the virus when they arrive, the colour of health code on their devices will be shown in Red. This means they are prohibited to go out until they are fully recovered. As for those who are undergoing quarantine, the code will be in Amber. After the 3-day hotel quarantine, you may leave the hotel to conduct limited activities in the remaining 4 days (under medical surveillance); after that, they will be allowed to attend all activities once the colour code is changed to Blue.

Business meeting at agent’s office or school
In principle, agents would be happy to meet you or arrange a meeting for prospective parents and students in their offices once you have completed the 3-day hotel quarantine and obtain a negative RAT result on the day of your visit. Please note during the medical surveillance period, working lunch or any un-masked activities will be prohibited.

As for school visits, you will not be allowed to enter campuses unless you complete the full ‘3+4’ quarantine requirement (i.e. for a total of 7 days). When visiting a school, you must provide a negative RAT test done on the day of the visit and have the Blue code showing on your Leave Home Safe app.

Travel restrictions may change at short notice, so UK institutions are strongly recommended to regularly check with your local partners and airline companies closer to your travel date. You may also visit the following websites for the latest travel advice:

Visa information

Visas are not necessary for UK passport holders.  Where visas need to be obtained, it is the responsibility of the applicant institution to follow the correct procedures. 

For more information, please refer to your nearest Chinese embassy or the Home Office (www.fco.gov.uk).


Action Required

Please submit a completed online application form HERE by Wednesday 31 August at 17.00 BST. Places are limited and available on a first-come first-served basis. The British Council will confirm whether your application is successful by week commencing Monday 05 September. 

For any further clarifications/queries please contact: Karen Hsu, Head of Higher Education Mobility, North East Asia at karen.hsu@birtishcouncil.org.hk.