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Russian Bloggers’ Tour announcement 10-14 June: Register your interest!

The British Council UK, The Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in Moscow and ECM agency – an official delivery partner in Russia – are offering to UK educational institutions to participate in the Russian bloggers’ tour. It is a new service that is offered to UK institutions to effectively promote and support them in Russia.

Taking place on 10-14 June 2019 and available for UK language schools, boarding schools, colleges and universities, the bloggers’ tour is a really unique opportunity to be promoted in popular Russian blogs, widely read by the target audience of students, and to deliver key messages about UK educational institutions directly. Throughout the tour we hope to provide institutions with information support to significantly influence Russian students’ educational choices. We expect this tour to increase brand awareness of UK institutions, as well as the number of Russian students choosing UK education and particularly the selected institutions in the future – both in the long and short terms.

Nowadays bloggers have become opinion leaders of Generation Z – future students, 15-20 years old, who are digitally engaged, and spend at least 180 minutes on social media daily. They are keen on following trends on bloggers’ lifestyle and recommendations. It is clear that social media is a key influence in a student’s decisions making process now more than ever.

We will invite three bloggers and vloggers with a total outreach of around one million subscribers via various channels (Instagram, YouTube etc) to visit UK educational institutions. They will be selected based on relevance of their blog, number of subscribers and their interest in education as well as the scope and level of the coverage.

The main outcome of the tour will be the publications dedicated to UK institutions, their facilities and competitive advantages in selected bloggers’ channels.

Participation fee is £1,000 (excluding VAT) covering the direct costs of this visit. Each hosting institution is also expected to provide accommodation (B&B) for one night for the group of four people, transfer from/to rail station if applicable and we would be grateful if lunch during the visit was provided as well.

Through this mission we aim to develop a greater understanding of UK education amongst potential students and to promote individual institutions and their achievements which will be taking part in this activity.

We think that this is a great opportunity to promote your institution in the Russian market and to increase the number of Russian students!

Action Required

If you would like to get more information about the forthcoming press-tour and take part, please contact Elizaveta Utolina elizaveta.utolina@britishcouncil.org or Daria Lavrentieva lavrentieva@ecmcentre.com.