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Research and analysis for the British Council into the English language

The British Council wishes to commission research into and analysis of the power of the English language around the world and the benefits of the spread of English to the UK (as well as to those who learn it overseas).  In particular it seeks to gain a better understanding of the potential soft power benefits of English, as a possible vector for UK culture and shared values and driver of UK prosperity and influence, and accordingly what the best approaches might be for the UK to take to respond to international demand for the language (from individuals, organisations and governments). The size and nature of that demand, the potential opportunities and challenges in different geographies and amongst different target audiences (e.g. young people and future leaders), and the possible implications of digital technology, are all important aspects of this understanding, as are the lessons of the past and issues likely to arise in the future. The British Council wishes to use this research to advance the policy debate about the English language and potentially to inform decisions amongst policymakers both inside and outside the organisation about future activities in this area. Please see attached RFP for further information.


Attachments to this opportunity:

RFP – reference for proposal

Annex 1: Terms and Conditions of Contract

Annex 2: Supplier response

Annex 3: Pricing Approach

Annex 4: British Council Research and Evaluation Ethics policy



Date / time

RFP Issued to bidding suppliers

02 December 2019

Deadline for clarification questions (Clarification Deadline)

17:00 06 December 2019

British Council to respond to clarification questions

17:00 13 December 2019

Deadline for submission of RFP responses by potential suppliers (Response Deadline)

14:30 18 December 2019

Final Decision

19 December 2019

Action Required

All documents required as part of your tender response should be submitted to alasdair.donaldson@britishcouncil.org by the Response Deadline, as set out in the Timescales section above and in the attached RFP.