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Request for proposals from UK consultant on Quality Assurance and Accreditation

The British Council in Viet nam is seeking a supplier (UK consultant(s) or UK higher education organisations/sectorial bodies) to deliver technical support to the Work Plan 2023 – 2024 on Enhancing Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Viet Nam Higher Education for International Integration.

The overall objective of the assignment is to deliver a comparative review of the QA system in Viet Nam through mapping/benchmarking with the QA system in the UK; and to help shape/advise the design for UK-Viet Nam partnerships to enable the outcomes achievement and support effective implementation of activities as referred in the Work Plan. The work will be supported by a group of local consultants who are expected to provide insights of the QA local context in higher education in Viet Nam.

The selected supplier will be responsible for producing the following deliverables:
- A comparative review of QA systems in Vietnam with core components of QA system in the UK and analysis of gaps for cross border or international recognition of accreditation
- A report of benchmarking and analysis of Internal Quality Assurance practices of five selected HEIs in Viet Nam
- A report to overview centres of education accreditation practices in Viet Nam - the need for change and capacity strengthening
- Recommendation report to advise large scale improvements in QA in VN, facilitation of system alignment of QA between UK and VN, and Viet Nam’s recognition of accreditation by UK bodies
- At least three dialogues/ public seminars to disseminate findings of the comparative review of QA systems in VN and UK and discuss opportunities for cross border or international recognition of accreditation; IQA review and sharing good IQA practice in HEIs in UK and Vietnam; overview of education accreditation centres’ practices in Viet Nam - the need for change and capacity strengthening. These do not include workshops/seminars for data collection during the course of research
- A training workshop to Vietnam HE leaders in leadership to support for effective quality management
- TORs development for future UK-Viet Nam partnerships
- TORs development for local consultants.

Deadline for proposal submission is 13 March 2023. The contract implementation is expected to be from end March to end October 2023.

Action Required

Interested UK consultant(s) or UK higher education organisations/sectorial bodies) are invited to review the Request for Proposal guidelines and relevant annexes as below. For enquiries, please email ggp.vietnam@britishcouncil.org.vn