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Reminder: UK Saudi Interest Group (UKSIG) Meeting, Manchester Wednesday, 01 May 2019

The UK Saudi Interest Group (UKSIG) is a group of 80+ UK institutions with interests in recruiting Saudi students and forming partnerships with Saudi institutions. The British Council hosts two meetings for the UKSIG, usually in March in London and in October in Manchester. The meetings include a briefing from the Saudi Cultural Bureau in London that usually focuses on reporting and the latest updates from the Ministry of Education. The British Council in Saudi delivers a market briefing about the latest market trends and updates about the scholarship schemes, and partnership opportunities.

UKSIG Co-chairs:
Shaden Jaradat, Partnership Officer, University of Manchester
Noor Al-Zubaidi, Country Manager, Middle East & Turkey, University of Bangor 

Venue:  Renaissance Manchester City Centre Hotel, Michelangelo Suite

Cost: £150.00 + VAT

Provisional Agenda
11:00 – 11:45: Meeting with Khebrat representatives to discuss updates and teachers’ number, and future plans
11:45 – 12:45: Light lunch & networking 
12:45 – 13:00: Introduction to the day
13:00 – 14:00: Update by Saudi Arabia Cultural Bureau UK Team / UKSIG members followed by Q&A 
14:00 – 16:00: UKSIG members closed meeting and briefing, market feedback, IECHE and LSE enterprise consultancy

Register NOW, Hope to see you there! 

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How To Apply:

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