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Reminder - British Council International Agents Fairs for Further Education Colleges 2015

UK further education colleges are world renowned for their excellent preparation for university, flexible approach to education, vocational teaching for a practical skill and value for money. 

The British Council International Agents Fair is a fantastic opportunity to meet with top international agents brought together by the British Council. This is a unique opportunity for colleges  to build relationships with agents who are committed to promoting the UK's further education sector.

International Agents Fair 2015

Two fairs will be held to allow colleges to meet with these agents. The cost to attend a fair will be £600 per college and the details of these fairs are as follows:

Fair 1 - 10:00-16:00 Tuesday 6 October, Cardiff and Vale College 

Fair 2 - 10:00-16:00 Thursday 8 October, Harrow College


Action Required

Apply to attend one of these agents fairs

To apply, please visit our Registration pages. Please note that places are limited. Your application will take around 15 minutes to complete.