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  • Rectors’ Seminar "Universities in a Changing Europe", University of Iasi (Romania), 24 –26 October 2019

Rectors’ Seminar "Universities in a Changing Europe", University of Iasi (Romania), 24 –26 October 2019

Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi invites university leaders interested in the theme of continuing academic cooperation post-Brexit as well as senior academic staff with expertise related to topics such as University Autonomy, Academic Freedom, Looking Back 30 Years: The Last Days of the Iron Curtain, The Spread of Populism, and The Upsurge of Post-truth Propensities, to the seminar "Universities in a Changing Europe", organised in the Romanian city of Iasi on 24-25 October.

Please check the flyer below for the list of international speakers already confirmed.

The seminar will be followed by a one-day trip to the UNESCO heritage sites in Bukovina (2.5-hour drive from Iasi), on 26 October.

The University of Iasi will cover all local costs in Iasi and during the trip, as well as 2-night accommodation for all participants.

Action Required

Registration is open until 30 September.

To apply for the seminar please complete the registration form here https://forms.gle/WiiBnw1fLKZGYi8p8 .

Contact email for the seminar: ioana.serafinceanu@uaic.ro

Flyer Rector's Seminar.pdf382.57 KB