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Recruit students through an articulation programme with Rangsit University

Rangsit University International College is looking for an opportunity to expand their UK partner network by jointly offering a business or related degree at master level (articulation programme).

This programme will give students wishing to study abroad the opportunity to experience different cultures and education at master level. This articulation programme is designed to facilitate the student’s success in education while meeting the needs of new graduates and employees wishing to start their study abroad journey in Thailand and continuing it in the UK.

The joint master’s programme will allow students to study semester 1 (3 months) in Bangkok with Rangsit University and transfer credits (4 modules) to continue the following semesters (semesters 2 and 3) with a partner university. The students will receive a master’s degree from the university partner.

Rangsit University is currently offering this joint master’s programme with leading universities in the UK, New Zealand, Australia, and the US.

Benefits for participating UK institutions

  1. The opportunity to recruit students through this articulation programme. In the past, Rangsit University sent an average of 120–150 students to study for a master’s degree in the UK each year.
  2. The opportunity to initiate/strengthen a partnership with Rangsit University.
  3. The opportunity to raise awareness and profile of the institution through the programme promoted by Rangsit University.

About Rangsit University International College

Established in 1995, Rangsit University International College (RIC) is a dynamic international institution, established to provide English-language undergraduate degree programmes relevant to career needs and pathways for further study in Thailand and overseas.

Action Required

How to express your interest

UK institutions interested in working with Rangsit University on this articulation programme are invited to submit a brief profile of the institution and the master’s degree courses on which they wish to collaborate to Uraiwan Samolee at Uraiwan.Samolee@britishcouncil.or.th by 15 March 2023. The information provided will be shared with the coordinators from Rangsit University International College.