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Reach students and influencers in India through scholarship promotion and lead generation campaigns for 2019 intake

International Education Services in India are offering specially designed digital marketing packages to help you reach thousands of Indian students. Our e-shots and Facebook posts are targeted to a high-quality audience dedicated to studying in the UK.

There hasn’t been a better time to invest in digital marketing in India.

India's internet users are expected to register double digit growth to reach 627 million in 2019, driven by rapid internet growth in rural areas. Internet usage in the country has exceeded half a billion people for the first time. Of the total user base, 87 percent or 493 million Indians, are defined as regular users, having accessed the internet in the last 30 days. Nearly 293 million active internet users reside in urban India, while there are 200 million active users in rural India, according to a report in Economic Times.

The British Council conducted a survey amongst 1200 Indian students and the results indicated 60% students use the Internet to gain information about studying abroad. Hence in order to communicate with the right target audience, an online presence is of prime importance.

We are offering two kinds of long-term campaigns this year:

Offer 1: Scholarship Promotion

For Indian students looking for opportunities to study abroad, a scholarship is often a determining factor on their decision to study abroad. Scholarships are considered an indicator of academic excellence that enhances the student’s profile. Given below are some statistics on number of Indian students looking for a scholarship. This data has been collated over the last year from students that attended British Council events:

  • 21% of the students who attended Study UK exhibitions are looking for scholarships as a source of funding
  • Based on the enquiries received at our centres 37% from Chennai, 40% from Bangalore and 26% from Delhi are looking for scholarships

Offer 2: Lead Generation Campaign

Build a list of prospective students who are interested in studying in the UK. We aim to create a platform where UK institutions can reach, engage and generate leads in a cost-effective manner. This digital campaign is aimed to help you promote your programmes and collect leads of prospective students who express interest in the programmes. This will allow you to streamline your recruitment efforts and have meaningful conversations with the focused target audience.

UK institutions can use this opportunity to connect and engage with the students and their parents.


Benefits of the campaign

  1. Campaign Reach: Reach the most relevant audiences interested in studying abroad via the campaigns. We can target both students and parents through the campaign. Generate a steady flow of qualified leads and increase your chances of conversion. 


  1. Brand visibility: Students in India are technologically savvy and rely on the institution’s online presence to decide its credibility. Communication through multiple digital channels will improve chances of your institution’s online presence on relevant platforms such as Google search, education portals and social media.


  1. Time-bound: you will have flexibility in the timeline of the campaign. Identify the best time to target new applicants, clearing applicants, scholarship seekers, PG and UG applicants and we will design a campaign to help you reach them in a timely and focused manner.


  1. ROI and Measurability: If you use Google Analytics to track traffic on your website, you will be able to know the exact number of visits to the landing page through these campaigns. At the end of the campaign, British Council will share a report highlighting the campaign performance across all platforms.


  1. Bespoke campaigns: the campaigns will be specifically designed as per your institution’s priorities and strategic direction. All communication will be tailor-made to the audiences, offers and Indian cities/markets you will be targeting.


  1. Local market expertise: As part of the package, British Council staff will provide consultation on marketing messages that appeal to students in the region, based on local market expertise


The campaign offer:


Scholarship Campaign

Lead Generation Campaign



Reach: 40,000 to 80,000 spread over 8 posts

8 boosted posts per institution spread across 12 weeks. The posts may include:

  • Scholarship promotion
  • Stories of alumni who won scholarships
  • Specific scholarship promotions (UG/PG)

The post will carry a link to the relevant landing page on institution’s website (to be provided by the institution)

Reach: 40,000 to 80,000 spread over 4 posts

8 boosted posts per institution spread across 12 weeks. The posts may include: promotion of:

  • Specific courses
  • New courses
  • Niche courses

The post will carry a link to the leads collection page.

8 images (one per post). Dimensions: 1200 x 628 pixles

30-50 worded text for the posts with a call to action


E-mail Shots

One e-mail shot to database of prospective students who have visited our events and who have shown an interest in scholarships to study in the UK.

One e-mail shot to database of prospective students who have visited our events.

The database can be filtered as per subject area and level of study.

  • One image per mail shot to be used as header. Dimensions: 600 x 190 pixels
  • 100-120 worded text to be included in the body of the mail

Third party campaign

  • 1200 clicks from display advertising on Google Display Network (Digital advertisements on education websites and portals)
  • 1500 clicks from Google Adwords targeting a combination of keywords around the theme ‘scholarship’ and ‘study in the UK’


(Clicks from the ads will be diverted to a landing page to be given by the institution)

  • 1400 clicks from display advertising on Google Display Network (Digital advertisements on education websites and portals)
  • 1700 clicks from Google Adwords targeting a combination of keywords around the courses to be promoted and ‘study in the UK’


(Clicks from the ads will be diverted to a leads collection form provided by the institution or on our lead collection form only with express consent from the lead)

  • Creatives in .JPG, GIF or .PNG format, file size not exceeding 150 KB. Dimensions: 300 x 250 pixels, 728 x 90 pixels and 160 x 600 pixels. One set of creatives per campaign

Stand out in the India market with your offer. Book now.

Contact details

Sunit Koli
Head, Higher Education (India)

Action Required

Contact Sunit Koli, Head, Higher Education (India), to book your package now.