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  • Re-connect with your alumni living outside the UK by promoting the Study UK Alumni Awards – and discover some inspirational stories!

Re-connect with your alumni living outside the UK by promoting the Study UK Alumni Awards – and discover some inspirational stories!

Application deadline for Study UK Alumni Awards is on 30 October 2020! Please promote the awards to all your international alumni, worldwide, we have lots of resources and social media posts to support you.

How to promote the awards… quick and easy steps

  • Look out for our posts on Study UK Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and LinkedIn using the hashtag #UKAlumniAwards.
  • Social media assets to promote the awards including short videos, images and animations can be downloaded from here should you wish to create your own messaging.
  • Like and re-share the posts above to your alumni network, and tag your international offices. Don’t forget to use the hashtags #UKAlumniAwards #StudyUK, and @ mention @StudyUK so that we can re-post.
  • For inspiration to see how other UK HEIs and country offices are promoting the awards, see the aggregation of social media posts using #UKAlumniAwards here: https://walls.io/StudyUKAlumniAwards

Why take part in the Alumni Awards? Re-connect with your alumni, find out about new alumni success stories, and raise the profile of your institution… read more about the benefits to UK HEIs of taking part in the awards here, and encourage others (academics, faculty) in your institution to write to your successful alumni to apply.  



Action Required

For more information, please contact Abbie Jahan or Huw Davies, email StudyUK.Alumni@BritishCouncil.Org