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Promote your institution through the British Council education agent network in South Asia

Agents play an important role in guiding students through their decision-making process. Surveys conducted with students across India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal indicates there is a dependency on agents. Around 40% per cent students use education agents for their overseas study applications, according to the British Council’s recent Student Insight Survey, making them the frontline ‘sales representatives’ for UK education.
The British Council works closely with education agents in South Asia, supporting them through training workshops and keeping them informed of developments in the UK through a regular e-newsletter.

Agent’s e-newsletter:

• Launched in 2015 and popular with education agents in South Asia.
• Reaches more than 1200 agents and counsellors across the region
• Published 3 times a year with an average open click rate of 24%
• Includes updates from UKVI, latest developments in the UK and local education sectors and provides other British Council updates.

To know more about this opportunity and for advertising costs, please see the offer document attached below. A sample of the newsletter is also provided for your reference.

Action Required

If you are interested in the above services or would like further information, please email with details of the service you would like to avail of to anuradha.sareen@in.britishcouncil.org.
Please note that for inclusion in the next agent e-newsletter which will be published in May 2016, expressions of interest must be submitted by 5 pm (GMT) on 25 April 2016

Newsletter India.pdf1.19 MB
Offer for Advert.pdf292.1 KB