Pre-departure Briefing on the Youth Mobility Scheme (YMS)

Date: Saturday 14 April 2012 

Time: 1.30 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. 

Venue: National Taiwan University Convention Centre, Taipei

This information session is organised by Taiwan's National Youth Commission (NYC) in Taiwan and aims to brief applicants who have received their Certificates of Sponsorship (CoS) on living and studying in the UK.  As many of the CoS holders will not have yet decided on their destinations within the UK, this briefing serves as an excellent opportunity for them to collect relevant information on UK offers and institutions as well as get their questions answered.  


Action Required

There are possible opportunities to reach CoS holders with tailor-made promotions for institutions that provide work and study programmes. Please check on British Council's Services for International Education Marketing website for updates regarding the YMS.