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Partnerships/International Collaborations opportunity: Banaras Hindu University, India

Banaras Hindu University is the first Indian University established by a great visionary Indian, inspired by nationalist thoughts with the help of donations from the entire country in 1916 when India was still under the foreign rule. That visionary was the great Indian nationalist leader, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya.

Today BHU has 05 Institutes in addition to IIT (BHU) on its campus, 16 Faculties and 134 Departments, 2 Schools and a number of research centres. Over 30000 students from all over India and 45 foreign countries are enrolled in various Faculties of the University.

Foreign Linkages:

Banaras Hindu University has an International Centre facilitating 66 collaborations with foreign Institution, apart from many ongoing and completed research projects. Banaras Hindu University hosts over 400 International students across 49 countries around the globe. It has magnificent world-class facilities to host International students/ exchanges and other activities.

Proposed Areas of Partnerships/International Collaborations in Higher Education

  1. Natural Sciences












Nanoscale Physics; complex metallic alloy surfaces, synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials, fabrication of Nano devices, photo-physics and Nano bio-photonics solar energy materials, solar cells, sensors, super capacitors, electronic devices, electrochemical devices, Ionospheric Physics, Radio wave propagation, GPS Scintillation

Quantum Information Processing and communication, Non-Hermitian extension of Quantum Field theories


Biological Sciences:

Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration, Developmental Genetics and Functional Genomics (using mouse models), Human Evolution, Mitochondrial Biology, Computational Biology, Systems Biology, Synthetic Biology, Molecular Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Plant Immunity, Plant Interactions with their environment


Chemical Sciences:

Organic Synthesis, Medicinal Chemistry, probes for detection of biomolecules


  1. Arts and Humanities




Physical Education

Physical Education, Sports, Sports Science




Cultural Studies and Translation Studies





Visual Arts

Applied Arts, Design, Innovation, Painting, Plastic Arts, Sculpture, Pottery, Textile Design



Management Studies

1. Entrepreneurship/ Social Entrepreneurship

2. Innovation

3. Financial Inclusion/Finance Services

4. Retail Management

5. MSME Management


  1. Medical Sciences




Molecular Biology

Molecular Virology

Radiotherapy & Radiation Medicine





  1. Stem Cell Research/Reparative Medicine
    2. GI Cancer Ecological Study
    3. Immunological aspect of communicable Disease
    4. Epigenetic study of Non-communicable Disease
    5. Role of Artificial intelligence in human health and disease
    6. Antimicrobial Resistance-mechanisms & drivers.
  1. Environment








1. Satellite-based natural resource monitoring

2. Water resource management

3. Sustainable and Climate-resilient agriculture

4. Climate change impacts and mitigation options

5. Air quality modelling and forecasting

6. Plastic pollution

7. Health impacts of pollutants

8. Policy realignment for sustainable development


  1. Agricultural Sciences






Genetics and Plant Breeding

1: Breeding for multi-stress tolerance in Cereals, legumes and oil seeds

2: Bio fortification of cereals, legume and for high protein, minerals, vitamins, antioxidant etc.

3: Identification of new adoptive traits for conservation and climate resilient agriculture

4: Discovery of mechanistic pathways of the genes contributing for yield, stress tolerance, and quality

5: Collection of land races and its utilization

Agricultural Economics

1. Managing Safe and Efficient Food Supply Chain System

2. Precision Agriculture and Application of Smart Technologies




1. Regenerative soil management practices under conservation agriculture 

2. Soil ecosystem services management for sustainable food system 

3. Soil organic carbon stabilization for food and environmental security 

4. CO2 capturing in the soil through crop diversification 

5. Climate smart crops and Nutri-cereals for sustainable diversification and intensification.

Dairy science and Food technology

1.   Bioactive peptides (BAPs) generated from agricultural sources and their therapeutic functionalities

2.  Establishment of prebiotic functionalities of oligosaccharides extracted from different agro sources.

3. Development and formulation of functional and nutraceutical foods and beverages to combat specific disease.




1. Bioprospecting for insect management

2. Insect ecology and ecosystem conservation:

3. Promotion of IPM

4. Apiculture



Extension Education

1. Direct trade the agricultural produce in the global market  

2. Agro-tourism in India with global community

3.  digital education and training to farmers

4.   Empowering women in agriculture and gender issue

5.  Extending Agricultural Advisory and Consultancy services to UK and other European courtiers via UK  



Farm Engineering

1: Use of drone technology for seeding, spray of fertilizers and pesticide

2: Application of remote sensing and GIS in natural resource management

3.  Development of sensor embedded renewable energy driven precision farming tools/machines for field crops

4.  Application of poor-quality water in agriculture Genetics and plant breeding




1: Non-invasive technology for assessment of quality of fruit, flowers and vegetable’s

2: Application of cold plasma technology for post-harvest management of horticultural commodities

3: Clonal propagation of indigenous fruits

4: In vitro propagation



Plant pathology

1: Climate change and its impact on population structure of pathogens of cereal and legume

2: Effector’s biology, of necrotrophic pathogen of cereals and legumes

3: Mechanistic study of resistance gene (s) of the cereals and legume

4: Harnessing microbial technology for crop production

5: Genomics of fungal pathogen

Plant physiology

Abiotic stresses, in cereals, legume and oil seed

Soil science & Agricultural Chemistry

1: Enhancing resilience of agriculture to climate change in rain fed hilly areas through natural resources management 

2: Digital soil map of India

3: Management of phosphorus agronomic ally and environmentally in soil

Veterinary and animal sciences


1. To study the effect of traditional alternative homeopathic medicines on chronic diseases hypertension and diabetes and exploration of mechanistic pathways of drug action,

2: In vitro production of embryos in livestock

3: Production of desired semen with pre-determined sex or with known fertility status

4: Stem cells and ovarian stem cells.

5: Clinical and pathological health management of wild felids.

6: Herbal Anthelmintic.

7: Vector borne diseases like Theileriosis, Babeisosis and Trypanososmosis

Please refer to attached document to know more about Banaras Hindu University.

Action Required

If you are interested or have any query, please write to vishu.sharma@in.britishcouncil.org

A Brief Note about BHU.pdf57.8 KB